Rabindranath Tagore University

A Public State University established by upgrading Hojai College under Assam Act No. XXXIV of 2017

Rabindranath Tagore University


Re-Advertisement No.30 for the post of Associate Professor (s) in English (STP) & Zoology (STH)  View

Re-Advertisement for the post of Associate Professor (s)  View

Notice regarding VAC and AECC for 2nd & 4th Semester Students.  View

Notice for SEC Viva of 3rd Sem & 5th Sem of Political Science  View

Re-Advertisement for the post of Professor (s) in Hindi, Assamese, Pol. Science, English & Botany  View

Notice for students (Both UG & PG) to fill up and submit Anti-ragging affidavit  View

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (NEP/CBCS) 3rd Semester Practical Examination Schedule, 2025  View

Notice for students of 3rd Semester (Arts, Science & Commerce)  View




2nd Convocation Booklet  View

Notice Regarding Collection of Robes and Certificates.  View


Notification  View

Notice Regarding 76th Republic Day  View

Notice for Even Semester classes,2025  View

M.A./M.Sc. 3rd Semester Practical Examinations Schedule, 2025  View


B.A/B.Sc./B.Com. (NEP/CBCS) 1st Semester Practical Examination Schedule, 2024  View

Holiday Notice on account of "Magh Bihu".  View

Shortlisted Candidates for recruitment of contractual Teachers along with schedule of interview  View

Convocation Rehearsal and attending Notice  View

THE LIST OF ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES FOR 2ND CONVOCATION OF RTU. If any eligible candidates name is missing in the given list, or any correction is required, pls contact to the COE Office within 08-01-25  View

The List of the Students applied for 2nd convocation and already paid the convocation Fee.  View

Important Notice for the Students of RTU  View

JOB Advertisement for contractual posts, RTU, Hojai, Assam  View


NEP 1st Semester VAC Practical Examination Schedule  View

Stage 1 Result of North East India Physics Talent Search Examination 2024 held on November 16, 2024, at Rabindranath Tagore University conducted by PANE is declared.  View

Notice for Winter Break (2024-25)  View

2nd list of candidates eligible for written test for recruitment of in Grade III and Grade IV posts of Rabindranath Tagore University, Hojai . Assam. Date of written test will be notified later.  View

Holiday List of ERU for the year 2025  View

Ph.D. course work ( Session 2024-25)  View

Notice for extended date for registration to attend 2nd Convocation of RTU  View

Postponement of written test for the post of Grade-III and Grade-IV in connection with Advertise No.17 Dated 26-09-2024 & Advertisement No.18 Dated 26-09-2024  View

Notification for Written Test for the post of Grade-III and Grade-IV  View

Notice for PhD Six Monthly Progress Report (Session: 2023-2024)  View

Notice for PhD Scholars (Session: 2023-2024)  View

B.A/B.Sc. 5th Semester Practical Examination Schedule, 2024  View


JOB Advertisement for Pharmaceutical Science, RTU  View

Regarding reschedule of Zoology Exam  View

Notice for 5days week (Every saturday as holiday)  View

Notice of Students for generate ABC ID account for admission batch 2021-2022  View

Issue of Admit card NEP 3rd Semester Arrear 2024  View

Notice Regarding Revised Programme of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 5th Semester Examination, 2024  View

Notice regarding extension of last date of Examination form fill up of NEP 3rd Semester, 2024  View

Convocation Date Extension Notice 2024  View



Declaration of Result for Ph.D. Admission, 2024-2025  View

Notice Regarding FYUGP 3rd Semester Examination Form fill up for Regular Students, 2024  View

Committees for Professional Course Initiation under RTU.  View


Notice Regarding FYUGP 1st Semester Examination Form fill up for Regular Students, 2024  View

PG 1st and 3rd Semester Routine 2024  View

Notice regarding extension of last date of Course Registration of NEP 1st Semester, 2024  View

Notice of students for generate ABC Account ID  View

Visit of Retd. Air Chief Marshal at RTU Hojai : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X0AGODxg10RPHN443bLvPScer_hrFlbt/view  

Notice Regarding date extension of Course Registration for NEP 3rd Semester, 2024  View

Holiday Notice for "Guru Nanak's Birthday".  View

Programme for Sessional Exams. of M.A 1st Sem (Political Science)  View

List of candidates qualified for Personal Interview for admission in the PhD Programme, 2024  View

Notice regarding PhD Personal Interview  View

User Manual for the Course Registration of NEP 1st Semester, 2024  View

Notice Regarding Course Registration of NEP 1st Semester, 2024  View

Notification for Rabindranath Tagore University Teachers' Association Election  View

Notice for suspension of all classes  View

Notice Regarding Course Registration of NEP 3rd Semester, 2024  View

Notice for valedictory function of "Bhaxa Gaurav Saptah"  View



Notice inviting tender for Online 10 kVA UPS  View

Holiday Notice for "CHHAT PUJA:  View

Notification For PhD Entrance Examination, 2024  View

Notification for Speech Competition & Letter Writing Competition in connection with "Bhaxa Gaurav Saptah"  View

Notice for cultural programme in memory of "Sudha Kantha Bhupen Hazarika"  View

Notice for Inaugural Programme of "Bhaxa Gaurav Saptah" (3rd- 9th Nov'24)  View

Notice for 2nd Convocation of Rabindranath Tagore University, Hojai, Assam  View

Form Fill Up Notice 1st, 3rd & 5th semester CBCS 2024  View

Form Fill Up Notice 1st, 3rd & 5th semester 2024  View

Notice of Political Science Department for Odd Semester Sessional Examination (Arrear), 2024  View

Holiday Notice for "Kali Puja & Dipawali". The University shall re-open on 04-11-2024 (Monday)  View

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 5th Semester Examination Schedule, 2024  View

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 3rd Semester Examination Schedule, 2024  View

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st Semester Examination Schedule, 2024  View

Notice Regarding PG odd Semester Term end examination, 2024  View

Notice regarding extension of last date for receiving of applications for the post of Professors  View

UG Class suspension notice from 25-10-2024 to 30-10-2024  View

Notice for Swearing Ceremony of the newly elected RTUSU (2024-25)  View

Notice for renewal admission into PG 3rd Semester  View

Schedule for UG-Arrear Exams in English (English I, Minor, SEC, Alt. English and AECC)  View

Notice regarding Ishan Uday Special Scholarship scheme  View

Notice regarding extension of last date for receiving of applications for the posts of Teaching, Non-Teaching & Administrative posts, RTU, Hojai  View

Notice for station in-charge of RTU during Puja vacation  View

Odd Semester Examinations Notice 2024  View

Regarding Hon'ble Governor Assam's Protibha Protsahan Yojana  View

Routine for Sessional Examinations of B. A/ B. Sc /B. Com (Odd Semester), 2024  View

Holiday Notice for Puja Vacation, RTU, Hojai  View

Notification for formation International Office of RTU- regarding  View

Notification for Formation of Committee for formulating Guidelines to recognition of Adjunct Professor & appointment of Professor of Practice, RTU, Hojai-regarding  View

Notification for formation of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC), RTU, Hojai-regarding  View

Notification for formation of Career Counselling & Placement Cell, RTU, Hojai- regarding  View

Notification for formation of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Cell, RTU, Hojai -regarding  View

NOTICE regarding extension of last date of PhD admission form fill up  View

List of Winning candidates of RTUSU Election, 2024  View

Identity Card Form  View

Urgent RTU Students' Union Election, 2024 related notice  View

Notice regarding 2nd Convocation of Rabindranath Tagore University, Hojai, Assam.  View

Modified evaluation component of NEP 1st Semester, Session 2024-2025  View

Evaluation Component of NEP 1st Semester, 2024-2025  View

Govt. of Assam Notification Regarding Abhinandan Education Loan subsidy 2.0.  View

Notice of Contractual Teachers regarding submission of Updated NET/SLET/Ph.D certificate  View

Urgent Notice regarding Students ' Identity Card in connection with RTUSU Election 2024-25  View

Notification regarding RTU Students' Union Election for the session 2024-25  View

Classes suspended Notice on 18-09-2024  View

Notification for RTU Students' Union Election, 2024-25  View

Notice Regarding Sessional Examinations to the affiliated Colleges.  View

Sessional Examination Notice 2024  View

Notification for Prize distribution in connection with last Varsity Week  View

Notification for Freshers' Social, 2024  View

Holiday notice on account of "KARAM PUJA"  View

Notification for Interactive session with Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor of Assam University, Silchar, Former Air Chief Marshal Sjt. Arup Raha and other dignitaries.  View

Ph.D. Admission for the academic session 2024-25.  View

Notice for INFOSYS SPRING BOARD ONLINE Classed of B.A/B.Sc/B.Com 3rd Sem for the current session  View

NOTICE regarding admission in the PG 1st Semester classes to fill up vacant seats  View

Notice for commencement of Classes for PG 1st Sem for the session 2024-25  View

Notice for observation of "HINDI SAPTAH"  View

NOTICE regarding revised date of PG admission 2024 - 2025  View

2nd Merit List of PG 1st Semester admission, 2024 (to fill up vacant seats)  View

NOTICE regarding admission (against vacant seats) into PG 1st Semester Classes, 2024-25  View

Distribution of Roll Nos for B.A, B.Sc & B.Com 1st Sem for the session2024-25 generated by SAMARTH  View

Modified class routine for UG Day Shift (2024-25)  View

Modified class routine for UG Morning shift (2024-25)  View

Notice for PG 1st Sem Girls students (2024-25) in connection with Nijut Moina Asoni  View

Official information for "Annual Melah-E-Mehfil" of RTU  View

Reschedule date of Holiday Notice  View

Reschedule Notice for admission into PG for the session 2024-25  View

Notice for NEP 3rd Semester Students  View

Notice for extended date of admission into 3rd Sem & 5th Sem for the session 2024-25  View

Notice for admission into 5th Semester for the session 2024-25  View

Re-Notification for admission into 3rd semester for the session 2024-25 (Offline)  View

Notice Regarding 78th Independence Day  View

Notice Regarding PG Admission 2024-2025  View

Notice for Participation in the Live Telecast and Ceremonial Launch of the MMNM  View

Notice for National Scholarship for Differently Abled students  View

AEC Class Notice for 3rd Semester  View

Modified PG Admission Notification (In connection with Entrance Exam)  View

Notice for commencement of classes for the session 2024-25  View

Class Routine for the session 2024-25 for Day shift students  View

Class Routine for the session 2024-25 for Morning shift students  View

Notification for Student Induction Programme for UG 1st Sem (NEP)  View

PG Admission Notification (In connection with Entrance Exam)  View

Notice regarding Allotment of Day shift & Morning Shift (B.A. 1st Semester, Academic session 2024-25)  View

Re-Evaluation Notice 2024  View

Re-Evaluation Notice 2024  View

Notification in connection with FEE WAIVER Scheme  View

Extended date of PG admission form fillup  View

Notice regarding entrance examination for PG admission  View



Spot Admission Notification  View

Corrected: Re-examination notice for SEC Zoology 4th semester  View

2nd merit list of UG Admission Arts, Science & Commerce  View


Revised admission Notice 2nd Merit List 2024  View

Schedule of re-examination  View

Notice of PG 2nd & 4th Semester students regarding submission of Migration certificate  View

Notification of Bachelor of Arts (Day Shift & Morning Shift)  View

Revised Admission Notification of 1st Merit List  View

Eligible Students re-examination Notice for flood .  View

Re-Schedule for SEC practical Exam.(Bengali Department)  View

List of Candidates Arts  View

List of Candidates Language  View

List of Candidates Commerce  View

List of Candidates Science  View

Revised Admission Notice  View

Admission Notification for admission into B.A, B.Sc & B.Com 1st year for the session 2024-25  View

M.A/M.Sc. 2nd & 4th Semester Practical Examination Routine, 2024  View

Regarding Re-examination.  View

Notice for VIVA-Voce for SEC 2nd(NEP) & 4th SEM(CBCS) (Department of Bengali)  View

Notice regarding Admission into B.A/B.Com/B.Sc (2024-25)  View

Notification of Fees structure for admission into B.A/B.Com/B.Sc 1st Semester(2024-25)  View

Notice for VIVA-VOCE for SEC (Department of Political Science)  View


PG 1st Sem Admission Notification (2024-25)  View

1 Year UG certificate for NEP Students 2024  View

Notice Regarding Correction of Examination Schedule.  View

Modified admission notification, 2024  View

Notice for suspend Classes  View

PG 2nd and 4th Semester Form fill up Notice 2024  View

Admission Notification, 2024-2025  View


Re-evaluation result of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 5th Semester Examination, 2023  View

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 2nd Semester Examination (NEP) Form fill up Notice, 2024  View

Information Bulletin RTU, 2024 (Prospectus)  View

B.Com. 6th Semester Revised Programme, 2024  View

Roster Register of Rabindranath Tagore University  View

Notice regarding Essay writing competition and Quiz competition in connection of 163rd Birth Anniversary of Kabi Guru Rabindranath Tagore  View

Re-Registration Notice for 2nd Semester (NEP STREAM)  View

Re-Registration Notice for 2nd Semester Arts, Science & Commerce 2024  View

B. A, B.Sc. B.Com 2nd Semester arrear 4th & 6th Semester Regular and Arrear CBCS Form Fill up Notice 2024  View

Notice for students in connection with celebration of Rabindra Jayanti, 2024  View

Letter to Principals of Colleges to be affiliated under RTU, Hojai, Assam  View

Time Table for Sessional Examination Even SEM.2024 (Political Science)  View

M.A./M.Sc. 2nd & 4th Semester Examination Programme 2024  View

Committee for celebration of Rabindra Jayanti at Rabindranath Tagore University, Hojai  View

Appointment of Public Information Officer (PIO) of RTU Regarding  View

Routine for Sessional Examination, 2024 Political Science (Arrear/Back)  View

Time table for Sessional Exam English (Arrear) SEC/HONS  View

Notification regarding appointment of Co-ordinator to deal with the Affiliation matter of RTU  View

Sessional Exam. schedule of Even Semester (English)  View

B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com 2nd Semester Programme (NEP), 2024  View

B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com 2nd Semester Programme (CBCS), 2024  View

B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com 4th Semester Programme, 2024  View

B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com 6th Semester Programme, 2024  View

Rescheduled time of Sessional Exam. 2024 (Even Semester)  View

Notice/Advertisement for Engagement of Para-Legal Volunteers under DLSA, Hojai  View

Modified Routine of Sessional Examination, 2024(Even Semester)  View

Guideline for students attending Convocation on 08-04-2024  View

SOP along with Registered name of applicants for 1st Convocation ,2024 of RTU, Hojai, Assam  View

UG-EVEN SEMESTER SESSIONAL EXAMINATION, 2024 (For Arrear Students) Notice (Education Department)  View

Notice for Sessional Examinations, 2024 (Even Semester)  View

Notice for UG Students in connection with Admission  View

Dumick Educational Consultancy is invite Teachers and students to a scheduled Zoom meeting.  View

Notice for Students of PG 2nd & 4th Sem classes (Extended date for 2nd & 4th instalment of Fees)  View

Notification of 1st Court meeting of RTU  View

Formation of Committees for first Convocation of RTU  View

First Convocation Notice (Extended Date)  View

Notice for the students of PG 2nd Sem & PG 4th Sem in connection with Admission (2nd Installment)  View

Notice for holding of Varsity Week of RTU  View

6th EC Meeting Notification  View

Notice for first Convocation  View

Notice for Swarasati Puja Celebration  View

Notice regarding Mukhya Mantri Lok Seval Arogya Yojana(MMLSAY)  View

Megha Career Counseling Session Notice  View

Hindi 3rd Semester SEC Practical Examination 2024  View

Republic Day, 2024 Celebration Notification  View

Notice for Time Table of Even Semester (Under Graduate)  View

Morning shift class Routine  View

Day shift Class Routine  View

B.A. B.Sc B.Com 1st & 3rd Semester Practical Exam Routine 2024  View

Half Holiday Notice on 22-01-2024  View

Holiday Notice for Magh Bihu & Shilpi Divas  View

Holiday List 2024  View

Re-Evaluation results of PG 2nd & 4th Semester  View

Notification regarding RTU Students' Union Magazine for the session, 2023-24  View

P.G 1st and 3rd Semester Examination, Practical Routine 2023-2024  View

M.A./M.Sc. 1st and 3rd Semester Examination, Programmer 2023-2024  View

PG 1st and 3rd semester Examinations Notice 2023-24  View

FDP Google form and Registration Link  View

One Week FDP on Data Analysis using R Registration Link: https://forms.gle/PJaCWkpGe75ct2qA7  View

NOTICE regarding the ADMIT CARD of UG 1st Semester (under NEP) Examination  View

Notice regarding extension of last date of examination form fill up of UG 1st semester (Under NEP)  View

Holiday Notice for Kali Puja & Dipawali  View

Notice regarding Admission of PG 3rd Semester Classes, 2023-24.  View

Notice regarding submission of filled up form of Sanskritik Mahasangam, 2023-24.  View

List of Winners of Rabindranath Tagore University Students' Union Election, 2023-24  View

District Level Yuva Utsav, 2023  View

IMPORTANT NOTICE for B.A. 3rd Semester students  View


Notice regarding I-Card of TDC 3rd and 5th Semester students.  View

Result of B.Sc. 2nd Semester (Hons) Examination, 2023 &Arrear (Hons & Regular Course) – 2020 & 2021 Batch  View

Schedule of Students' Union Election, 2023-24.  View

Corrigendum regarding Students' Union election, 2023-24.  View

Notice regarding Students' Union Election, 2023-24.  View

Result of B.Sc. 4 th Semester (Hons & Regular) Examination, 2023  View

Result of PG 2nd Semester Examination, 2023 Subject – Zoology.  View

Result of M.Sc. in Zoology of 4th Semester Examination, 2023  View

Notice regarding Celebration of 154th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.  View

Notice regarding Sessional Examination of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester, 2023.  View

Result of PG 2nd Semester Examination, 2023 Subject – Chemistry  View

Result of Re-Evaluation of 3rd Semester B.A, B.Sc. & B.Com. Examination : 2022 (Corrected)  View

Notice regarding Amrit Brikhya Andolon.  View

Result of B.A./B.Sc. 4th Semester (Hons & Regular) Practical Arrear Examination, 2023  View

Result of B.Com. 4th Semester (Hons) Arrear Examination, 2023 Batch – 2020  View

Result of Re-Evaluation of PG 1st & 3rd Semester Examination : 2023  View

Result of Re-Evaluation of 1st Semester B.A, B.Sc. & B.Com. Examination : 2022  View

NOTICE regarding commencement of PG 1st Semester Class, 2023  View

Corrected : Result of Re-Evaluation of 5th semester B.A, B.Sc. & B.Com. Examination : 2022  View

Notice regarding Freshers Social Meet, 2023.  View

Roll No and subject combination of BSc 1st Semester students, 2023  View

Roll No and subject combination of BCom 1st Semester students, 2023  View

Roll No and subject combination of BA 1st Semester students, 2023  View

Notice regarding "Annual Milad Mehfil", 2023.  View

Notice regarding reschedule of B.Com. 5th Semester Admission, 2023.  View

Corrected: Notice regarding renewal admission of TDC 3rd & 5th Semester (Arts, Commerce & Science) classes Admission, 2023.  View

NOTICE regarding admission in the PG 1st Semester classes, 2023-24  View

Notice regarding Aadhar based bio-metric authentication for Post Metric Scholarship for Minority Students.  View

Notice regarding reschedule of B.Sc. 5th Semester Admission, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Freshers' Social Meet, 2023.  View

Notice regarding B.A. 4th Semester Education SEC Examination 2023  View

NOTICE regarding Class Cancellation on 16/08/2023  View

NOTICE regarding subject change  View

List of Candidates eligible to appear in the Entrance Examination for admission in the PG 1st Semester classes for the Academic Session, 2023 - 24  View

NOTICE regarding "INDUCTION PROGRAMME" of UG 1st Semester students  View

Revised UG MORNING SHIFT Class Routine (Effective from 07-08-2023)  View

Revised UG DAY SHIFT Class Routine (Effective from 07-08-2023)  View

NOTICE regarding Entrance Examination for admission in the PG 1st Semester, 2023-24  View

NOTICE regarding commencement of PG 3rd Semester classes.  View

Notice regarding extension of Last date of submission of ONLINE application form. of PG 1st Semester classes for the session 2023-24.  View

Result of B.A./B.Sc. 4th Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2023 Batch – 2019 & 2020  View

NOTICE: Regular PG Admission for the session 2023-24 under Rabindranath Tagore University, Hojai.  View

Notice regarding commencement of classes of B.A., B.Sc. B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester for the session 2023-24.  View

Merit list for Morning shift, 2023-24.  View

List of candidates eligible for SPOT ADMISSION, 2023-24  View

NOTICE regarding SPOT admission and MORNING SHIFT admission, 2023-24  View

Corrigendum in connection with notice dated 20/07/2023  View

NOTICE regarding Spot Admission of UG Programmes, 2023 - 24  View

3rd Merit List of Candidates for admission into UG Natural Science 1st Year, 2023-24  View

3rd Merit List of Candidates for admission into UG Social Science 1st Year, 2023-24  View

3rd Merit List of candidates for admission into UG Humanities 1st Year, 2023-24  View

3rd Merit List of admission into B.Com 1st Year Programme, 2023-24  View

2nd Admission Merit list of candidates of Social Science, 2023-24.  View

2nd Admission Merit list of candidates of Humanities, 2023-24.  View

2nd Admission Merit list of Natural Science (B.Sc.) candidates, 2023-24.  View

2nd Admission Merit list of UG Commerce candidates, 2023-24.  View

Result of B.A. 6th Semester (Hons & Regular) Final Examination, 2023 (Including B.Sc with Economics) & Arrear (Hons & Regular) – 2019 batch  View

Notice regarding admission of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 1st year, 2023-24  View

Result of B.Com. 6th Semester (Hons) Final Examination, 2023 & Arrear (Hons & Regular) – 2019 batch  View

1st Admission Merit list of candidates of Social Science, 2023-24.  View

1st Admission Merit list of candidates of Humanities, 2023-24.  View

1st Admission Merit list of Natural Science (B.Sc.) candidates, 2023-24.  View

1st Admission Merit list of UG Commerce candidates, 2023-24.  View

Result of B.Sc. 6th Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2023  View

Result of B.Sc. 6th Semester (Hons & Regular) Final Examination, 2023  View

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 2nd & 4th Semester Practical Examination, August, 2023  View

Notice regarding Admission into Morning Shift.  View

Result of B.A. 1st Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2022 Batch – 2019, 2020 & 2021  View

Admission notification for Ph.D. for the session 2023-24.  View

Result of B.A. 1st Semester (Hons & Regular) Examination, 2022  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up of PG 4th semester Examination, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up of PG 2nd semester term-end Examination, 2023.  View

Result of B.A. 3rd Semester (Hons & Regular) Examination, 2022 Hons Arrear – 2019, 2020 batch Regular Arrear – 2019, 2020 batch  View

Notice regarding CORRECTION of online application form in the SAMARTH PORTAL  View

Result of B.Com 3rd Semester (Regular) Examination, 2022 (Hons Arrear – 2019, 2020 batch) (Regular Arrear – 2019 batch)  View

Notice regarding Traffic awareness programme at RTU.  View

Result of B.Com 3rd Semester (Hons) Examination, 2022  View

Admission notification of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st year for the session 2023-24.  View

Result of B.Com 1st Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2022 Batch – 2019, 2020 & 2021  View

Result of B.Sc 1st Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear (2019,2020 &2021 batch) Examination, 2022  View

Result of PG (English, BEngali & Assamese) 1st & 3rd Semester Examination, 2023  View

Result of B.Com 1st Semester (Hons) Examination, 2022  View

Result of B.Com 5th Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2022  View

Result of PG 1st & 3rd Semester Examination, 2023  View

Notification regarding List of selected candidates for Ph.D. admission for the session 2023-24.  View

B.A./ B.Sc. Sixth Semester Practical Examination, 2023 PROGRAMME  View

Result of B.Com 5th Semester (Hons) Examination, 2022  View

Result of B.A. 5th Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2022  View

Result of PG 1st & 3rd Semester (Regular& Arrear) Examination, 2023  View

Result of B.A 5th semester Examination (Hons & Regular 2022.  View

Result of B.Sc 3rd Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2022 Batch – 2019 & 2020  View

Result of B.Sc 5th Semester (Hons & Regular) Arrear Examination, 2022  View

Notice regarding Study leave.  View

Result of B.Sc 1st (Hons) Semester Examination, 2022  View

Result of B.Sc 3rd (Hons & Regular) Semester Examination, 2022  View

Result of B.Sc 5th (Hons & Regular) Semester Examination, 2022  View

M.A/ M.Sc 2nd & 4th Semester Examination Programme 2023  View

B.Com 2nd 4th and 6th Semester Examinations Revised Programme  View

Notice regarding Reschedule date of Prize distribution of Varsity Week, 2023  View

Notice regarding Counseling/Viva-voce of Ph.D. Admission, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Prize distribution of Varsity Week, 2023  View

Results of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 2nd Semester, 2020 Batch.  View

Notice regarding examination form fill up of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester Examination, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Cancellation of Classes.  View

Notice regarding SEC practical of Department of Education.  View

Notice regarding Holiday of 1st Saturday on every month.  View

Result of Ph.D. Entrance Test for the session 2023-24.  View

Application form for Students' Aid fund.  View

Notice for Sessional Back and Arrear in Political Science.  View

PG 2nd Semester Re-evaluation Result .  View

Result of Re-Evaluation of 4th Semester B.A., B.Sc & B.Com 2023  View

Result of Re-Evaluation of 2nd Semester B.A., B.Sc & B.Com 2023  View

Reschedule of UG 2nd/4th/6th Semester sessional examination, 2023  View

Rescheduling of Even Semester UG Sessional Examination Time, 2023.  View

Notice regarding addition of Holiday on account of BOHAG BIHU.  View

Notice regarding Examination Roll No. of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 2nd Semester students of RTU.  View

Notice regarding one week Practice teaching class for 6th Semester SEC paper of Department of Education.  View

Revised Routine of UG 2nd/4th/6th Semester sessional examination, 2023  View

Notice regarding creation of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) ID.  View

Notice regarding installment of tuition fees of PG 2nd and 4th Semester, 2023.  View

B.A/B.Sc/B.Com 2nd 4th & 6th Semester Examination Schedule 2023  View

Notice regarding Sessional Examination (Arrear), Department of History.  View

List of selected candidates for Ph.D. Entrance Test, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Sessional Examination, 2023.  View

Notice regarding PhD Entrance Examination, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Varsity week, 2023.  View

Sessional Examination Notice of Department of Political Science.  View

Notice regarding Weightlifting competition in RTU Varsity Week.  View

Notice regarding Change of AECC subject for B.Sc. and B.Com. 2nd Semester.  View

RTU Varsity Week 2023 Schedule  View

Routine of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 2nd, 4th and 6th semester Sessional Examination, 2023.  View

RTU Varsity Week Registration details for events, 2023  View

RTU Varsity Week Event details, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Provisional Certificate Fees.  View

Re Evaluation Result of 4 th Semester M.A. Examination 2022  View

Notice regarding sessional examination of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 2nd, 4th and 6th semester, 2023.  View

Notice regarding Varsity Week of Rabindranath Tagore University for the year 2023.  View

Notice regarding Class Cancellation in account of HS Final Year Examination.  View

M.Sc 1st & 3rd Sem Practical Examinations Programme.  View

Notice regarding Ph.D. Admission, 2023.  View

Notice regarding class cancellation.  View

The results of M.A. 2nd Semester Examination in Assamese  View

Reschedule Notice  View

List of Winning Candidates of Rabindranath Tagore University Students' Union Election, 2022-2023.  View

Notice regarding class cancellation..  View

Results of PG 2nd Semester Arrear, 2022  View

Results of M.A./M.Sc. 2nd Semester, 2022  View

Examination Schedule of M.A. / M.Sc. 1st and 3rd Semester Examination, 2023.  View

Revised Programme of B.A/B.Sc. 5th Semester Practical Examination.  View

Admission notification for PG 3rd semester.  View

Schedule of Rabindranath Tagore University Students' Union Election.  View

NOTICE regarding Admission into Ph.D. programme, 2023  View

Note regarding Admission and form fill up of PG 3rd Semester.  View

Notification of Rabindranath Tagore University Students' Union Election.  View

B.A. First Semester Practical Examination, February, 2023  View

PG Examinations Notice 2023  View

Notice Regarding Examination form fill up of PG 1st and 3rd Semester Term-end Examination, 2023.  View

Walk-in Interview for Visiting Teacher of Department of Political Science and Statistics.  View

Important notice for students.  View

SEC Viva-Voce Examination, Department of Political Science.  View

B.A /B.Sc./ B.Com 1st 3rd and 5th Semester Practical Examination Routine 2023.  View

Walk-in Interview for Visiting Teacher of Department of Botany.  View

Walk-in Interview for Visiting Teacher of Department of Mathematics.  View

Notice regarding distribution of Roll No./Section as per routine of B.A. 2nd Semester (Day Shift).  View

Class routine of Morning shift (Even Semester), 2023.  View

Class routine of Day shift (Even Semester), 2023.  View

Corrigendum notice for debate competition in connection with G-20/Y-20, 2023.  View

Celebration of Saraswati Puja in RTU Campus.  View

Notice regarding celebration of Republic Day, 2023 at RTU.  View

Notice regarding Debate Competition at RTU, Hojai.  View

Results of M.A./M.Sc. 4th Semester, 2022  View

Result of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 4th Semester (Arrear) Examination, 2022  View



Notice regarding Winter break.  View

List of Candidates for oral interview against the Department of Assamese, RTU.  View

Notice for Mobility Grants to PG Girls Students.  View

Notice regrading subject correction in exam form fill up.  View

Notice regarding Road Safety Awareness Programme.  View

RTU Holiday List for the Calendar Year 2023.  View

Extension of last date of PG 3rd Semester Admission.  View

Results of Re-Evaluation of 6th Semester B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com.  View

Recruitment notice for Guest teacher in department of Assamese.  View

Notice regarding admission of PG 3rd Semester classes, 2022-2023.  View

Notice regarding Winter break.  View

Programme of HS 2nd Year Pre-Final Examination  View

Revised Routine B.A., B.Sc. & B. Com. 3rd Semester Examination,Dec.2022  View

Instructions for students going to appear in the odd semester examination from 5th December, 2022  View

Notice regarding study leave  View

Results of Re-Evaluation of 1st Semester B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. Examination: 2022  View

Results of Re- Evaluation of 1st Semester M.A. and M.Sc. Examination: 2022  View

Notice for KKHOU, IGNOU and IDOL students.  View

Results of Re- Evaluation of 3rd Semester B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. Examination: 2022  View

Inter-District Quiz competition on the occasion of 400th Birth Anniversary of Bir Lachit Borphukan.  View

Important notice for Morning Shift students.  View

Notice regarding celebration of 400th Birth Anniversary of Bir Lachit Borphukan.  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up of B.A, B.Sc., B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Term-end examination (December), 2022.  View

Notice regarding Essay writing competition.  View

Notice regarding celebration of 400th Birth Anniversary of Bir Lachit Borphukan.  View

Programme of B.A, B.Sc., B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th semester Term-end examination, December 2022.  View

Notice regarding observation of Death Anniversary of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika in RTU.  View

Sessional Examination Notice (Arrear/Back), Department of Political Science.  View

NOTICE regarding instructions for students going to appear Sessional Examination from 1st Nov. 2022  View

Notice regarding class cancellation of UG classes of RTU.  View

Sessional Examination Notice (for Arrear) of Department of History.  View

Notice regarding RTU Smart-40 Class.  View

Revised Routine for B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Sessional Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding form fill up of HS 2nd year final Examination, 2023.  View

List of students (BA 5th Sem-Regular) who are to contact the Examination Cell on 28/10/2022  View

NOTICE regarding selection of SEC paper of B.A. 3rd Semester (Morning Shift)  View

Notice regarding commencement of PG 1st semester classes for the session 2022-2023.  View

Routine for B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Sessional Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th semester Term-End Examination, 2022.  View

Admission date and fee structure of M.A.1st semester admission for the academic session 2022-2023.  View

Merit List of M.A. 1st semester classes for the academic session 2022-23.  View

NOTICE regarding odd semester Sessional Examination, 2022  View


Notice regarding Fresher's Social Programme.  View

Notice regarding uniform of Post Graduate students.  View

Notice regarding Entrance Examination of PG 1st semester class (for vacant seats) for the academic session 2022-23.  View

Advertisement for the vacant seats of admission into M.A. course for the session 2022-23.  View

Results of M.A. / M.Sc. 1st Semester Examinations 2022  View

Result of Re Evaluation of 5th Semester B.A. , B.Sc./ B.Com. Examination :2022  View

Notice regarding update of Unique Id for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st semester (Day Shift), 2022-23.  View

Notice regarding marks of PG 1st semester entrance examination,2022  View

Admission date and fee structure of M.A./M.Sc. 1st semester admission for the academic session 2022-2023.  View

Merit List of M.A./M.Sc. 1st semester classes for the academic session 2022-23.  View

Programme of M.A./M.Sc. 4th Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Programme of M.A./M.Sc. 2nd Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding update of Unique Id of B.Com. 1st semester students.  View

Notice regarding extension of last date of admission of TDC 3rd semester.  View

Notice regarding commencement of RTU Smart-40 Class  View

Admission notification of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 3rd and 5th semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding renewal admission of TDC 5th & 6th Semester (Arts, Commerce & Science) classes Admission, 2022.  View

Walk-in Interview for Visiting Teacher of Department of Botany.  View

Notice regarding Update of Unique Id of B.A. 1st semester (Morning shift).  View

Notice regarding renewal admission of TDC 3rd & 4th Semester (Arts, Commerce & Science) classes Admission, 2022.  View

Results of M.A. / M.Sc. Third Semester Examination, 2022  View

Morning shift revised Routine for the session 2022-23.  View

Day Shift Revised Routine, 2022.  View

Results of B.A. /B.Sc./B.Com. First Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding change of generic subject for B.A./B.Sc. 1st semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding commencement of classes of B.A. 1st semester (Morning shift).  View

Notice regarding conversion of Day shift to Morning shift of B.A. 1st Semester.  View

Walk-in Interview for Visiting Teacher.  View

Notice regarding Entrepreneurship encouragement Programme at RTU.  View

A speech note Lecture programme organised by RTU.  View

Notice regarding Essay writing competition.  View

Final Merit list of B.A. 1st year (Morning Shift) for the session 2022-23.  View

Admission notification for B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 3rd and 5th semester ,2022.  View

Important notice for students.  View

Notice regarding Update of Unique ID and Bank Details for M.A./M.Sc. 2nd and 4th semester.  View

Extension of date of form fill up for semester end examination of M.A./M.Sc. 2nd and 4th semester.  View

Extension of date for payment of Installment of tuition fees of M.A./M.Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester.  View

NOTICE regarding enrollment to the NSS.  View

NOTICE regarding enrollment to the Bharat Scouts and Guides.  View

Notice regarding Entrance Examination of M.A./M.Sc. 1st Semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding cancellation of class.  View

Notice regarding Admission of H.S. 2nd year classes for the session 2022-23.  View

Notice regarding Update of Unique ID and Bank Details for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th semester classes for the session 2022-23.  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up of M.A./M.Sc. 4th semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up of M.A./M.Sc. 2nd semester, 2022.  View

Information regarding M.A./M.Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Admission merit list of B.A. 1st year classes (Morning Shift) for the session 2022-23.  View

Notice regarding commencement of Classes of Day shift and Morning shift for the session 2022-23.  View

Programme of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 2nd and 4th semester Practical Examination, 2022.  View

Admission Merit list of candidates with Honours in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for the session 2022-23.  View

Notice regarding Mobility grant to Girl students of P.G. 2nd and 4th semester, 2022.  View

Admission Merit list of candidates with Honours in Bengali and Hindi for the session 2022-23.  View

Notice regarding B.Sc. 1st year (Morning shift) admission for the session 2022-23.  View

CORRIGENDUN - Notice regarding admission into B.Sc. 1st Semester (REGULAR) class (Morning Shift)  View

NOTICE: Regular PG Admission for the session 2022-23 under Rabindranath Tagore University, Hojai.  View

Admission form fill up notice of B.A. and B.Sc.1st year classes (for REGULAR Course only) in the Morning shift for the session 2022-2023.  View

Notice regarding Admission into B.A. 1st year classes, 2022-23 with Bengali and Hindi as Honours subject.  View

Notice regarding class cancellation of PG 2nd and 4th Semester classes.  View

Notice regarding celebration of Independence Day. (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav)  View

Results of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 6th Semester (Final) Examination, 2022  View

Celebration of Independence Day.  View

Result of RTU Smart-40.  View

2nd Merit List of applicants for admission into B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st Year Classes, Session 2022-23 and the Guidelines of Admission.  View

Results of B.A/B.Sc./B.Com. 3rd Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Notice for 6th Semester, Education (SEC) Examination.  View

Notice regarding commencement of classes of PG 2nd and 4th Semester,2022.  View

Merit List of applicants for admission into B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st Year Classes, Session 2022-23 and the Guidelines of Admission.  View

NOTICE regarding RTU SMART 40 Entrance Examination on 26/7/2022  View

Notice regarding details of guidelines of online form fill up for admission into B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st Year Classes, Session 2022-23 (only for CBSE candidates who passed HS in 2022)  View

CORRECTED Notice regarding ONLINE admission form fill up of CBSE candidates in the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st Year classes, session 2022-23 & important dates related to admission.  View

Notice regarding submission of migration certificate for PG 2nd and 4th semester.  View

Result of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 5th Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Viva examination of SEC (Education) for B.A. 6th Semester,2022.  View

Notice regarding coaching classes named as "RTU Smart 40" for various competitive examination sponsored by Rabindranath Tagore University Students' Union, 2021-2022.  View

Programme of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 4th Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Programme of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 2nd Semester Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding information of Certificate Course on Finishing school Skills under RUSA.  View

Important notification for students.  View

Important dates regarding admission into B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st year classes for the academic session 2022-23.  View

Online Essay writing Competition organized by Gauhati University  View

Notice for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 2nd and 4th Semester students.  View

Guidelines for Online Admission Form Fill up of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st year (Session 2022-23)  View

Summer Vacation notification.  View

Notice regarding 6th Semester SEC project of Education Department.  View

Admission form fill up notice of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st year for the session 2022-2023.  View

Rescheduled program of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Result of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (19 Batch) 2nd Semester Examination, 2020  View

Notice regarding examination form fill up of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 2nd and 4th Semester Term-end Examination, 2022.  View

Cancellation of Examination of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Reschedule programme of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Examination notification of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Summer vacation notification.  View

Results of M.A./M.Sc. 2nd Semester Examination 2021.  View

Notice regarding cancellation of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Examination notification for B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Declaration of holidays for R.T.U. on 20th June, 2022.  View

Notice regarding cancellation of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding 2nd and 4th Semester Term-end Examination,2022.  View

Certificate Format for 6th Semester SEC Education.  View

Admission Notice (Certificate Course on soft skills and Career Counselling under RUSA).  View

Notice regarding celebration of World Environment Day.  View

Revised Programme of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022  View

Examination form fill up of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding certificate course on Soft Skills and Career Counseling under RUSA.  View

Notice regarding Slogan Writing Competition  View


Programme of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 6th Semester Final Examination, 2022  View

Final Rescheduled Programme for Sessional Examination, 2022.  View

Sessional Examination Notice of B.Com 2nd ,4th and 6th Semester,2022.  View

Suspension of H.S. 1st year Final Examination, 2022  View

Notice regarding 6th Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Final Examination, 2022.  View

Programme for B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com 2nd, 4rth and 6th Semester Sessional Examination, 2022  View

Programme of HS 1st Year Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding online Feedback form in teachers performance.  View

Programme of M.A./M.Sc. 3rd Semester Examination, 2022  View

Notice regarding form fill up of M.A/M.Sc. 3rd Semester term end examination, 2022  View

Notice regarding Bohag Bihu.  View

Notice regarding class cancellation.  View

Results of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 4th Semester Examination 2021.  View

Notice regarding H.S. 1st year Examination Form fill up, 2022  View

Class Routine of Morning Shift, 2022  View

Class routine of Day Shift, 2022  View

Important notice for students.  View

Notice regarding distribution of Roll No./Section as per routine of B.A. 2nd Semester(Day Shift).  View

Revised Programme of M.A. & M.Sc. 1st Semester Term-End Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up of M.A. & M.Sc. 1st Semester Examination, 2022.  View

NOTICE regarding cancellation of class  View

Notice regarding opening of tenders for chemicals and instruments.  View

Result of M.A.(Assamese) Final Examination, 2021  View

Notice Regarding Cultural competition in the Varsity Week of Rabindranath Tagore University.  View

Notice Regarding Varsity Week of Rabindranath Tagore University.  View

Revised programme of B.A./B.Sc. 5th Semester Practical Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding SEC Hindi practical examination,2022 of 3rd Semester, Department of Hindi.  View

Extension of last date of Admission of PG 3rd semester, 2022.  View

Holiday List of Rabindranath Tagore University for the session 2022.  View

Notice regarding practical examination of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 1st , 3rd and 5th Semester, 2022  View

Notice regarding admission of PG 3rd Semester classes, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Pre-final practical examination of Biology for H.S. 2nd Year, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Form fillup of Registration of H.S. 1st year,2022.  View

Modified Examination Routine of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding celebration of Republic Day in University Campus.  View

Notice regarding practical examination of B.Com. 3rd Semester, 2022.  View

Information.  View

Notice regarding study leave for Term-end Examination, 2022  View

Tender Notice  View

Notice regarding commencement of PG 3rd semester classes, 2022.  View

Extension of last date of examination form filling for 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester under RTU.  View

Declaration of Rabindranath Tagore University Students' Union Election, 2021-22  View

Important notice for students.  View

Notice regarding Programme of B.A., B.Sc and B.Com Examination of 5th Semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Programme of B.A., B.Sc and B.Com Examination of Third Semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Programme of B.A., B.Sc and B.Com Examination of 1st Semester, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill-up of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester.  View

Notice regarding M.Sc. 2nd Semester Practical Examination, 2021  View

Notice regarding Rabindranath Tagore University Students' Union Election, 2021.  View

Notice regarding special sessional examination  View

Scholarship notice  View

Notice regarding submission of application of TDC 3rd Semester examinee under G.U.  View

Notice regarding information of Semester-end examination of 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester.  View

Notice regarding sessional examination for physics arrear (Honours/General), Department of Physics.  View

Notice regarding opening of RUSA Finishing School programme.  View

Notice regarding opening of Finishing School programme for students.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for Arrear students under GU of Department of English  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for Arrear students under RTU of Department of English.  View

Submission of Home Assignment for Arrear students of Department of Political Science.  View

Revised Programme of H.S. 2nd year Pre-Final Examination, 2021  View

Notice regarding sessional examination of arrear students under GU and RTU.  View

Tender Notice.  View

Tender Notice.  View

Notice regarding class cancellation during sessional Examination.  View

Notice regarding class cancellation  View

Constitution of Rabindranath Tagore University Students Union.  View

Notice regarding celebration of "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsov" and "Axom Divas" in RTU.  View

Notice for TDC 1st semester students regarding update their KYC in their respective profile.  View

Important notice for teachers and students of RTU.  View

Tender Notice for Library Card.  View

Tender Notice for sale of scarp.  View

NOTICE regarding admission into H.S. 1st year classes for those who passed the special exam conducted in 2021: Merit list.  View

Notice regarding admission of H.S. 1st year for the session 2021-22.  View

Notice regarding Programme of H.S. Pre-Final Test, 2021.  View

Notice regarding payment of 2nd installment of tuition fees of PG 2nd Semester Classes, 2021.  View

Notice regarding Programme of M.A./M.Sc. 2nd Semester Term-End Examination, 2021.  View

Notice regarding examination form fill up of M.A. & M.Sc. 2nd semester Term-End Examination, 2021.  View

Notice regarding Re-Evaluation of 1st and 3rd Semester B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com, Examination, 2021.  View

Notice regarding Admission of H.S. 1st Year(Arts) classes for the session 2021-22.  View

Routine for Sessional Examination, December, 2021.  View

Important information of students about National Digital Library.  View

Modified Class Routine for PG 1st Semester for the Session 2021-2022.  View

Modified Class Routine (Day Shift) for the Session 2021-2022.  View

Notice regarding form fill up of H.S. 2nd Year Final Examination, 2022.  View

Notice regarding Constitution of Rabindranath Tagore Students' Union.  View

Class Routine of M.A./M.Sc. 1st Semester for the session 2021-2022.  View

Notice regarding Programme of Practical Examination of TDC 2nd and 4th Semester, 2021.  View

Notice regarding UG and PG Sessional Examination and H.S. Pre-final Examination, 2021  View

Notice regarding commencement of PG 1st semester classes, 2021.  View

Notice regarding M.A. 4th Semester (Assamese) Examination form fill up, 2021  View

Notice regarding M.A/M.Sc. Admission for the session 2021-2022.  View

List of selected candidates for 1st Semester P.G. Classes for session 2021-22.  View

NOTICE regarding enrollment to the Bharat Scouts and Guides.  View

Revised Programme of M.A 4rth Semester Examination, 2021.  View

NOTICE regarding PG 2nd Semester Admission Fee, 2021  View

Notice regarding renewal admission of TDC 5th & 6th Semester (Arts, Commerce & Science) classes Admission, 2021.  View

Notice regarding renewal admission of TDC 3rd & 4th Semester (Arts, Commerce & Science) classes Admission, 2021.  View

Notice regarding renewal admission of H.S. 2nd Year (Arts, Commerce & Science) classes Admission, 2021.  View

Notice regarding change of timing in the Class Routine, 2021.  View

Programme of M.A 4rth Semester Examination, 2021.  View

Notice regarding form fill up of 2nd Semester Examination, 2021  View

Modified Class Routine (Morning Shift) for the session 2021-22.  View

Important notice for students  View

Notice regarding payment of 2nd installment of tuition fees of PG 2nd Semester Classes, 2021  View

Results of M.A./M.Sc. 1st Semester Examination, 2021  View

NOTICE regarding enrollment to the NSS  View

Notice regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Camp  View

Notice regarding class cancellation of Day Shift classes.  View

Notice regarding time schedule of PG Entrance Examination, 2021.  View

Important notice for students  View

Three Days Multi-Disciplinary International Seminar  View

NOTICE regarding enrollment to the NCC  View

NOTICE regarding B.A. 1st Semester (Morning Shift) Regular Course Admission, 2021-22: 3rd Merit List  View

NOTICE regarding ENTRANCE EXAMINATION for admission into regular PG Classes for the Academic Session 2021-2022.  View

Class Routine for the Academic Session 2021-22  View

NOTICE regarding application for HONOURS subject of TDC 1st Semester against vacant seats of DAY SHIFT, 2021-22  View

HOME ASSIGNMENTS for Bengali 2nd Semester Arrear (Major & General) Students, under GU.  View

HOME ASSIGNMENTS for CHEMISTRY 2nd Semester Arrear (Major & General) Students  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment of TDC 2nd Sem, Department of English under GU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment of TDC 2nd Sem, Department of Political Science under GU.  View

Notice regarding commencement of TDC 1st Semester Classes (Morning Shift), 2021-22.  View

Recruitment Notice of Visiting Teacher for Department of Botany, RTU.  View

NOTICE regarding admission into B.A. 1st Semester Morning Shift (REGULAR COURSE) classes for the Academic Session 2021-22 :: 2nd MERIT LIST  View

NOTICE regarding admission of B.Com. and B.Sc. applicants (left out) into 1st Semester classes for the academic session 2021 -22.  View

NOTICE regarding PG 2nd and 4th Semester Examination, 2021  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment of TDC 2nd Sem, Department of History under GU.  View

Tender Notice  View

NOTICE regarding admission into H.S. 1st Year (ARTS) Classes (MORNING SHIFT) for the academic session 2021-22 :: Merit List  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment of TDC 2nd Sem, Department of Botany under GU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment of TDC 2nd Sem, Department of Education under GU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment of TDC 2nd Sem, Department of Political Science under GU.  View

Notice regarding PG 1st Semester Admission, 2021-22.  View

Notice regarding Admission of HS 1st Year. 2021  View

NOTICE regarding admission into BA 1st Semester Regular Course (Morning Shift) classes for the Academic Session 2021 -2022 :: Merit List  View

NOTICE regarding admission into B.Sc. 1st Semester Regular Course (MOTNING SHIFT) for the Session 2021-22:: Merit List  View

Notice regarding postponed of TDC 1st semester Commerce morning shift admission.  View

Notice regarding reopening of PG 2nd Semester classes of RTU.  View

Examination Form fill up notice of TDC 2nd Semester under RTU.  View

NOTICE regarding 2nd Merit List of Admission into B.A. 1st Semester (Day Shift) Honours Classes, 2021-22  View

NOTICE regarding 2nd Merit List of admission into B.Sc. 1st Semester Classes (Day Shift) Honours, 2021-22  View

Merit List of Admission into B.Com. (Regular Courses) SEM-I (MORNING SHIFT) Classes, Session - 2021-22, RTU  View

NOTICE regarding HS 1st Year admission Form Fill up, Session 2021-22  View

Programme of M.Sc 1st Semester Practical Examination, 2021.  View

NOTICE: Regular PG Admission, 2021 under Rabindranath Tagore University  View

2nd Merit List of Admission into DAY SHIFT (Honours) classes of B.Com 1st Semister, Session 2021-22  View

Extension of last date of examination form filling for Semester-IV under RTU.  View

SOP for upcoming TDC B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com Semester-IV Examination, 2021  View

Programme of B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com 4th Semester (CBCS) Examination, 2021 under RTU.  View

Examination Form fill up notice of TDC 4th Semester under RTU.  View

1st Merit List of Admission into B.Sc. (Honours Courses) SEM-I (DAY SHIFT) Classes, Session - 2021-22, RTU  View

1st Merit List for Admission into B.Com. (Honous Courses) SEM-I classes (DAY SHIFT), Session 2021-22, RTU  View

1st MERIT LIST of admission into B.A. (Honours Courses) SEM-I classes (DAY SHIFT), Session 2021-22, RTU  View

Examination Form fill up notice of TDC 2nd Semester (Arrear Batch 2015 &2016), 4th Semester (Arrear Batch 2015 & 2016) Under Gauhati University.  View

Notice for Admission of TDC 1st Semester,2021-22.  View

SOP for Rabindranath Tagore University  View

Important notice for TDC 2nd and 4th Semester of RTU regarding semester end examination.  View

Notice regarding scholarship for students belonging to minority community.  View

NOTICE regarding scholarship of students belonging to SC category  View

Notice regarding commencement of offline classes of HS final year and PG 4th Semester.  View

Examination notice for TDC 2nd and 4rth Semester end Examination, 2021 under RTU.  View

SOP for upcoming TDC B.A., B.Sc & B.Com Semester-VI Examination, 2021  View

Notice to the 6th Semester students of RTU(erstwhile Hojai College).  View

Notice regarding postponed of visit of Education Minister, Govt. of Assam in RTU.  View

Notice regarding visit of Hon'ble Education Minister, Govt. of Assam in RTU.  View

Examination Form fill up date Extension for B.A./B.Sc/B.Com Semester-VI (Regular & Arrear) under GU.  View

Notice regarding visit of High Commissioner of Bangladesh in RTU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for B.Sc 4rth Semester, Department of Botany.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment of Environmental Studies for TDC 2nd Semester, RTU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for TDC 2nd and 4th Semester, Department of Hindi.  View

Notice regarding celebration of Independence day in RTU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for TDC 2nd & 4th Semester, Department of English.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for TDC 4th Semester, Department of Assamese.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for B.A. 4th Semester(HG/RC), Department of Education.  View

Notice regarding functioning of Academic and Non- Academic offices of RTU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home Assignment for TDC 2nd Sem (CBCS), Department of Botany.  View

Notice regarding Political Science SEC Home Assignment.  View

Notice regarding Payment of Examination fees of B.A., B.Sc.,& B.Com. 6th Semester (Batch 2015 & 2016) under GU.  View

Important notice for Girls students of PG, RTU.  View

Revised program of PG 1st semester Examination, 2021.  View

Notice regarding submission of home assignment for 2nd and 4th Sem, RTU, Department of Political Science.  View

Notice regarding admission into B.A., B.Sc., and B.Com 1st year classes for session 2021-2022.  View

Notice regarding download of Examination Admit Card of PG 1st Semester Examination,2021.  View

Important notice for TDC 1st (2015 to 2018 batch) and 5th semester (2015 & 2016 Batch) under GU.  View

Notice regarding holding of PG 1st Semester Examination, 2021 in offline mode.  View

SOP for the ensuing B.A./B.Sc/B.Com/B.Voc 1st & 5th Semester Online Examination, 2020. under GU.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home assignment of TDC 3rd Semester under Gauhati University, Department of Assamese.  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up link for TDC Semester-VI (Batch 2015 & 2016)  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up link for TDC Semester-VI (Batch 2015 & 2016)  View

Notice for submission of Home assignment for for 3rd sem Arrear batch 2017 and 2018 Under GU of Department of History.  View

3rd Semester (Major)_Arrear_2017,2018 batch_Home Assignment_Department of Chemistry  View

Notice regarding submission of Home assignment for TDC 3rd Sem(Arrear) and 6th Sem (General) under Gauhati University, Department of Education.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home assignment for TDC 3rd Sem(Arrear) under Gauhati University, Department of Hindi.  View

Notice regarding submission of Home assignment of Alternative English for TDC 3rd Sem(Arrear) under Gauhati University.  View

Notice regarding result of M.A. (Assamese) 3rd Semester Examination, 2021.  View

Notice regarding guideline of form fill up of B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com. 1st Semester classes for the Academic Session 2021-2022.  View

Notice regarding submission of home assignment of Department of Botany  View

Notice regarding submission of assignment for 3rd Sem Arrear students Batch 2017 & 2018 under GU of Department of Economics.  View

Notice regarding submission of home assignment of department of Political Science.  View

Notice regarding submission of assignment for 3rd Sem(General) Arrear students Batch 2017 & 2018 of Department of History  View

Notice regarding submission of assignment for 6th Sem(General) students of Department of History  View

3rd Semester General (Arrear) Home Assignment, Department of Chemistry.  View

Programme of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Fifth Semester Examination 2020, Batch 2015 & 2016 under GU.  View

General information for the students of B.A, B.Sc and B.Com 3rd Semester Examinee, 2020 (Arrear) Batch 2017 & 2018 (Non CBCS)  View

Notice regarding Guideline of form fill up of TDC 6th Semester Examination, 2021 Batch: 2017 & 2018  View

NOTICE regarding Admission into B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com. 1st Semester classes for the Academic Session 2021-2022  View

Notice regarding recruitment of Visiting Teacher.  View

Programme of B.A./B.Sc/B.Com Sixth Semester Online Examination, 2021  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill up of B.A./B.Sc/B.Com Semester-VI, 2021  View

Notice regarding Guideline of form fill up of TDC 6th Semester Examination, 2021  View

Notice regarding B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com 1st Semester Examination, 2020.  View

Notice regarding B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com 6th Semester Online Examination, 2021 under GU.  View

Notice for TDC First Semester (Arrear) Examination, 2020 under Gauhati University  View

CORRIGENDUM, B.Com 3rd Semester (Regular) result  View

P.G. 1st Semester Examination Routine, 2021  View

Result of B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com. 1st Semester Arrear Examination held in 2021.  View

Result of B.Sc.3rd Semester (Honours) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.Sc.3rd Semester (Regular) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.Sc. 1st Semester (Regular) Examination, 2021  View

Result of BSc. 1st Semester (Honours) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.Com. 3rd Semester (Honours) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.Com. 3rd Semester (Regular) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.Com. 1st Semester (Honours) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.A. 3rd Semester (Regular) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.A. 3rd Semester (Honours) Examination, 2021  View

Result of B.A. 1st semester(Regular) Examination,2021  View

Result of B.A. 1st Semester (Honours) Examination, 2021  View

Important Notice for PG 1st Semester Examination  View

Programme of B.A./B.Sc/B.Com Third Semester Online Examination, 2020 (to be held in 2021)  View

Notification on Practical Examination of TDC 5th Semester, 2020 (to be held in 2021)  View

Notification on TDC Semester-I and Semester-III Examination, 2020  View

NOTICE for HS Final Year Examinee, 2021  View

NOTICE regarding M.A./M.Sc. 1st Semester examination, 2021 form fill up.  View

IMPORTANT NOTICE for HS Final year examinee who are presently out of Hojai.  View

IMPORTANT NOTICE for H.S. Final Year Examinee  View

NOTICE regarding GU Exam form fill up of ARREAR candidates (2015 & 2016 Batch)  View

Notice regarding TDC 5th Semester OTBE examination  View

Notice regarding Mock test of UG 5th semester under Gauhati University.  View

Schedule of B.Com 5th Semester Examination 2020 (held in 2021) (for Regular Batch of 2018 & Arrear Batch of 2017)  View

Schedule of B.A/B.Sc 5th Semester Examination 2020 (held in 2021) (for Regular Batch of 2018 & Arrear Batch of 2017)  View

Notice regarding Online Class of the subject EDUCATION  View

Notice regarding rectification of summer vacation  View

Notice regarding summer vacation  View

Rabindranath Tagore University is declared closed w.e.f. 28th April to 12th May, 2021  View

SoP: in relation to Rabindranath Tagore University in the context of present Covid-19 situation.  View

Notice regarding holding of classes of TDC 2nd and 4th semester  View

Notice regarding Examination form fill-up of TDC 5th Semester Regular and 1st and 3rd Semester(Arrear) students.  View

Notice regarding B.A/B.Sc/B.Com 1st and 3rd Semester Practical Examination Programme  View

Notice regarding suspension of class.  View

Notice regarding Environmental Studies project work for H.S. 1st year(Arts/Science/Commerce) students.  View

Notice regarding H.S 1st year final examination form fill up  View

Notice regarding study leave of Morning and Day shift of TDC 1st and 3rd semester students  View

Notice regarding study leave of Morning shift students  View

Notice regarding Revised MA Assamese 3rd semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding Revised B.Com 3rd semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding Revised B.A/B.Sc 3rd semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding Revised B.Com 1st semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding Revised B.A/B.Sc 1st semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding suspension of classes on 23/02/2021  View

Notice regarding MA Assamese 3rd semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding the visit of Hon'ble Education, Health, Finance etc. Minister of our state to RTU to lay down the foundation stone of "Administrative Building".  View

Notice regarding B.Com 3rd semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding B.A/B.Sc 3rd semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding B.Com 1st semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding B.A/B.Sc 1st semester Examination Schedule  View

Notice regarding the visit of Hon'ble Chief Minister of our state to RTU to lay down the foundation stone of "Arts Building"(Kala Bhawan).  View

Notice regarding 1st and 3rd semester(CBCS) Term-end Examination,2020 form fill-up  View

Notice regarding Term-end Examination,2020 form fill-up of the students of BA/B.Sc/B.Com 1st and 3rd semester and MA Assamese 3rd semester.  View

Notice regarding Fee structure of 3rd Semester MA Assamese Final Examination  View

Notice regarding submission of project of SEC, Department of Education of B.A. 3rd Semester students.  View

Notice regarding Inaugural Session for P.G. students  View

Notice regarding sessional examination(Arrear) in English Department  View

Notice regarding sessional examination of SEC of History Department  View

Notice regarding sessional examination of 3rd and 5th semester(Arrear) of History Department.  View

Notice regarding Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities students  View

Notice regarding reschedule date of sessional examination  View

Notice regarding uniform for P.G. students  View

Second admission notice for P.G. 1st Semester Admission  View

Notice regarding additional list for admission into 1st semester P.G classes for M.A. in English and M.Sc in Zoology for the session 2020-21.  View

Notice regarding cancellation of H.S and U.G. classes.  View

List of selected candidates of Department of Botany and English for 1st Semester P.G. Classes for session 2020-21.  View

Notice regarding P.G. 1st Semester Admission fee and others.  View

Holiday List of Rabindranath Tagore University for session 2021.  View

List of selected candidates of Department of Assamese, Bengali, Political Science, Chemistry and Zoology for 1st Semester P.G. Classes for session 2020-21.  View

NOTICE regarding regular classes from 1st January, 2021  View

IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding PG admission Entrance Examination, academic session 2020-2021  View

NOTICE regarding ENTRANCE EXAMINATION for admission into regular PG Classes for the Academic Session 2020-2021.  View

NOTICE regarding PG admission in the subjects BOTANY and ENGLISH  View

NOTICE: Regular PG Admission, 2020 under Rabindranath Tagore University  View

Notice regarding submission of Bank details  View

Important Notice for students  View

Notice regarding semester break for session 2020-21.  View

Class Routine of 3rd Semester SEC (Day Shift)  View

NOTICE regarding Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) of B.A. and B.Sc. 3rd Semester students(Day Shift).  View

NOTICE regarding Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) of B.A. 3rd Semester Students (Morning Shift)  View

General information for Morning Shift Students  View

Fake Notice Alert!  View

Important notice for students  View

Result of B.A. 2nd Semester, 2020  View

Result of B.Com. 2nd Semester, 2020.  View

Result of B.Sc. 2nd Semester, 2020.  View

Result of M.A. (Assamese) 2nd Semester, 2020.  View

Notice regarding Puja vacation  View

Class Routine of HS & UG Day Shift for the Academic Session 2020-21  View

Class Routine of UG Morning Shift for the Academic Session 2020-21  View

NOTICE regarding commencement of class from 02/11/2020.  View

Notice regarding withdrawal of the order about closing of university for 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month  View

NOTICE regarding PG (Assamese) 3rd Semester admission fee.  View

Notice regarding promotion of II Semester students to III Semester classes  View

NOTICE regarding Higher Secondary Final Examination, 2020 form fill up.  View

NOTICE regarding B.Sc. 6th Semester Practical Examination, 2020 (corrected)  View

Notice regarding scholarship for girl students belonging to minority community.  View

Notice regarding scholarship under Combined (Degree & Master) Scholarship Scheme, 2020 - 21  View

Important notice for students  View

DHE advertisement regarding scholarship for girl students belonging to minority community.  View

DHE advertisement regarding scholarship under Combined (Degree & Master) Scholarship Scheme, 2020 - 21  View

NOTICE regarding scholarship of students belonging to SC category  View

Notice regarding selection camp of Bharat Scouts and Guides  View

NOTICE regarding NCC Cadet Selection Camp 2020-21  View

NOTICE regarding correction of student's details filled in online B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 1st Year admission form (2020 - 2021)  View

NOTICE regarding commencement of Higher Secondary classes.  View

NOTICE regarding Centre Fee of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 6th Semester Examination, 2020.  View

NOTICE regarding admission into B.A. 1st Year Classes, Session 2020 - 2021 (3rd Merit List)  View

NOTICE regarding admission into H.S. 2nd Year / B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. 3rd & 5th Semester / P.G. (Assamese) 3rd Semester classes, 2020 (Renewal Admission)  View

Admission to B.Sc. 1st Semester Classes for the academic Session 2020 - 2021 (3rd Merit List)  View

NOTICE regarding generation of UNIQUE ID for admission into HS 2nd Year/B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 3rd and 5th Semester classes.  View

URGENT Notice regarding application for HONOURS subject in B.A. and B.Sc. 1st Year.  View

URGENT notice regarding 2014/2015/2016 Batch Examination Form Fill up.  View

Notice regarding admission into 1st year classes of B.A. and B.Sc. (2nd merit list) for the academic session 2020 - 21.  View

2nd Merit List of admission into 1st Year B.Sc. classes for the academic session 2020 - 21.  View

2nd Merit List of admission into 1st Year B.A. classes for the academic session, 2020 - 21.  View

Notice for information to candidates who did not get massage in their registered mobile number regarding selection and admission into 1st year classes of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.  View

NOTICE regarding correction of particulars given by the candidates during online HS 1st Year admission form fill up, 2020.  View

NOTICE regarding P.G. 2nd Semester (Arrear) and 4th Semester (Regular) examination form fill-up under G.U.  View

RTU Exam. Roll No. of 2nd Sem. students who submitted PROVISIONAL examination form on or before 7th August, 2020.  View

Week long NATIONAL LEVEL online Faculty Development Programme on "MOODLE"  View

NOTICE regarding PG (Assamese) & UG (B.A./B.Sc./B.Com) 2nd Semester Examination, 2020 form fill up (ONLINE), under RTU.  View

NOTICE regarding B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 1st Year admission, 2020-21  View

MERIT LIST of admission into B.Sc. 1st Year classes, Session 2020-21  View

MERIT LIST of admission into B.Com. 1st Year classes, Session 2020-21  View

MERIT LIST of admission into B.A. 1st Year classes, Session 2020-21  View

NOTICE regarding submission of Environmental Studies Project Report of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. 2nd Semester and B.A./B.Sc. 4th Semester classes.  View

NOTICE regarding submission of "General English" HOME ASSIGNMENTS of Semester - II (RTU)  View

RTU, Semester - II Provisional Examination Form, 2020  View

Notice regarding RTU Sem - II examination, 2020 form fill up of dropout students.  View

NOTICE regarding submission of HISTORY Home Assignment of 2nd, 4th & 6th Semester classes.  View

Regarding Examination Form Fill up of 2014, 2015 & 2016 Batch candidates.  View

Online form submission for CBSE  View

Fee submission ARREAR  View

Notice regarding Home Assignment submission of Botany.  View

HS 1st Year Commerce Merit List 2020-21  View

HS 1st Year Science Merit List 2020-21  View

HS 1st Year Arts Merit List 2020-21  View

TDC 4th Sem Regular/Arrear/Back Examination, 2020(Batch 2014 & 2018)  View

TDC 6th Sem Regular/Arrear/Back Examination, 2020(Batch 2014 & 2017)  View

Notice Regarding GU Exam form fill up  View

Notice Regarding Online Form Submission fro BSc, BA, B.Com 1st Year  View

Notice regarding Semester I Examination, 2019 Grade Sheet  View

HS Course related Notice  View

Online admission for the academic session 2020-21  View